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Cristo Assistance
What is Assistance and where can I find it?
What is Assistance and where can I find it?
Updated over a week ago

Where can I find Assistance?

You can find Assistance by tapping on the rightmost icon on the bottom menu of the app, and then on the Other Services button.

What is Assistance good for?

Assistance insurance offers roadside assistance services in the following cases:

  • Unforeseeable technical or electronic malfunctions

  • Accidents

  • Flat tires

  • Other instances of immobilization not due to one's own fault

How does Assistance insurance work?

  • Choose between the two Assistance insurance options.

  • Take out your Assistance insurance by providing some details.

If you encounter an unexpected technical or electronic malfunction with your car, or if your car becomes immobilized due to an unfortunate accident or flat tire, call the 24-hour available phone number for help.

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