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Fleet Solutions
Updated over a week ago

Where can I find the Fleet Solutions?

This is the first service that you won’t find directly in the app. Instead, you can access it through the Web app associated with the app, which you can open in a web browser with the help of the app.

What is the Web app and what is it for?

The Webapp is an auxiliary system to the app, where we aim to develop services that may be more conveniently managed in a web environment via a browser, rather than within the app. Fleet Solutions is the first feature to debut here.

How does the Web app work?

Open the Webapp interface from your desktop computer or laptop’s browser. On the opening screen, you’ll see a QR code, which you can scan with your phone’s camera or by pressing the QR reader icon in the app (version 7.2 or higher).

To access the Webapp, you need to be registered with Cristo or Euroleasing Drive, as you will use that to log into the interface. There is no separate registration option for the Web app; it must still be done in the app.

You can access various services on the Web app through the menu on the left.

Two types of fleet services are available in the app:

1. Cristo Fleet Payment - for simpler payment and administration related to company car usage

2. Cristo Fleet Insight - for comprehensive vehicle tracking and fleet management

Cristo Fleet Payment - Simple Payment and Invoicing

We take the administrative burdens off your shoulders associated with managing multiple cars and accounting for their related expenses in your business. You can share your company credit card and billing address in a controlled manner with other Cristo or Euroleasing Drive users, who can then use it for services available in the app (such as parking, highway ticket purchases, etc.). At the end of the month, you receive a single invoice detailing all transactions made by your colleagues using the company card.

How to Record Data for the Fleet Payment Service

In the Web app interface, select the "Fleet solutions" menu item from the left-hand menu, then choose "Data" from the dropdown menu.

  1. On the opening page, first enter basic information such as your company's name and billing email address, then specify for which services you allow the use of the credit card and billing address, and finally, click the "Save" button.

  2. On the next page, record your company's billing address and don't forget to save it.

  3. The final step is to add your credit card to the profile. You need to enter the basic information for the card and register it with our payment provider through a 0 Ft transaction.

Inviting Members and Subscribing to Fleet Payment Service

To allow someone to use the recorded billing information and the recorded credit card, you need to invite them. To do this, go to the "Members" menu item on the side menu, enter the user's email address and license plate number used in Cristo or the Euroleasing Drive app, and then click the "Send invite" button.

IMPORTANT! You can only invite users who have a valid Cristo or Euroleasing Drive registration, and where the specified license plate is also registered!

Before sending the invitation, we will inform you of any payment obligations that arise from sending the invitation (and thus linking). The Fleet Payment subscription begins with the sending and acceptance of the first invitation. The Fleet Payment service fee is charged to the recorded credit card, and the invoice is issued to the recorded billing address.

💡To include your own car in the Fleet solutions service, you must also invite your own account, as this is how you can link the recorded credit card and billing address.

Fleet Payment Pricing

The Fleet Payment service fee is paid monthly and depends on the number of cars linked.

💵 Fleet Payment fee: 750 Ft/month/car (net)
🚀 For linked cars with a Pro subscription: 300 Ft/month/car (net)
🎁 With a Fleet Insight subscription, the Fleet Payment service fee is 0 Ft/month/car

Availability of Invoices in the Fleet Payment Interface

Users with whom you've shared your credit card can select the card for payments initiated through the app. When the card is selected, the recorded billing address you provided is automatically selected as the default, which cannot be changed by the user. This ensures that all services paid for with the shared card are consolidated into one invoice, which we issue monthly as a summary invoice. This invoice is sent to the billing email address you provided and is also available for download within the Web app under the Fleet solutions menu's "Invoices" section.

Cristo Fleet Insight - More Than Just Fleet Tracking

Do you need a comprehensive fleet tracking service, including vehicle condition displays (mileage, error codes, battery voltage, etc.), the ratio of personal and company trips, reviewable company trips, and downloadable trip logs? Would you appreciate alerts for upcoming mandatory maintenance? Cristo Fleet Insight provides all of this.

How to Contract for Fleet Insight Service

Simply fill out the form accessible from the button below, and the Fleet Insight contract and Data Processing Agreement will be automatically generated in the e-contract system, which you can sign digitally, and we will do the same.

What Does It Mean If the "Pro Package Fee is Included in the Service Fee" or Not?

Since the Fleet Insight service is based on telemetric data, each car assigned to the fleet must have a connected Beat device. Currently, we provide these for use with a Pro subscription or as part of the Fleet Insight service. If the option "Pro package fee is included in the service fee" is selected, we provide the Beats to the partner contracting for the Fleet Insight service.

What Happens After Contract Signing?

After signing the contract, we will send the invoice for the service fee, which must be paid within 8 days. Following this, we will dispatch the Beats (if the Pro package fee is included in the service fee) via courier.

How to Assign Cars to Your Fleet in the Web app

In the Webapp interface, select the "Fleet Solutions" menu item from the left-hand menu, then choose "Data" from the dropdown menu and enter the basic information for your fleet (the credit card is not mandatory if you do not wish to use the Fleet Payment service). Next, go to the "Members" menu item and select the "Invite member" sub-menu at the top.

Here, enter the email address and license plate number used by the user in Cristo or the Euroleasing Drive app, set the data sets you want access to, and then click the "Send invite" button.

If the Fleet Insight service fee includes the Pro package fee and Beats have been sent to you, the assignment of devices to the fleet may have already occurred. In this case, we can assist with the invitation process by listing the users to whom the devices have been assigned ("Members waiting for an invitation"), but who have not yet been invited to the fleet.

In the list, you can copy the user's details (email address and license plate) using the copy icon on the far right, set the data sets you wish to access, and then send the invitation.

After sending the invitation, your invitee will receive it and see which data sets you have requested access to. Until the invitation is accepted, you will see the status as "Invited" in the "Members" list. Once accepted, the status will change to "Accepted."

What Data Can You See About Fleet-Assigned Users?

You can request and see the following data:

  • Car data: Information derived from the car, such as mileage, battery charge level, potential error codes, and fuel level. The range of data can vary depending on the manufacturer and model.

  • Monthly private/business trip ratio: We display the ratio of private and business trips indicated by users, on a monthly basis.

  • Weekend private use: We display when and for what distance the car was used by the user on weekends.

  • Business trips display: You can review business trips in a map view, with driving style analysis and events.

  • Monthly trip log: Downloadable in Excel format, these files provide the foundation for the monthly trip log, including the date, start and end locations of trips.

What Alerts Can Be Set?

You can receive alerts for various critical events. These alerts are visible in the members list or by opening the specific fleet member. Examples include service cycle monitoring, which can be set under "Service Settings." Based on the set mileage and date, we will remind you to adhere to the service cycle to prevent issues.

Similar alerts can be requested for weekend car use, emerging error codes, or even a draining battery.

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